Friday, May 13, 2011

Wednesday Night Revelation

It takes me a while to digest things sometimes. Passages I read in high school are just now taking a conscious shape within me, and I'm still soaking up lessons my dad taught me long ago. That's why I needed to wait a few days before I wrote anything about my experience seeing tUnE-YarDs Wednesday night at the Pike Room. What was intensely reverberating in my heart forty-eight hours ago has now softened to gentle waves; I'm ready to verbalize.

Though the music was tantalizing, it was something more that engulfed me so entirely. A Picasso-like image of Merrill Garbus floated before me like a vision the whole drive home; I saw her strikingly pansophical blue eyes amidst a billow of feathery fuchsia and I knew a shift in my world had taken place. I can't pinpoint exactly what it was that struck me so hard, but I feel stronger and surer because of it.

Last night I walked through my neighborhood just before twilight and felt a deep calm. The air and I were still. The lilacs were in bloom. I felt neither rushed to get where I was headed, nor distress at leaving where I'd been.

There is an importance in being both greatly affected by the world and allowing yourself to remain impervious. I'm just learning that, and a lot of other things.

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